Things have definitely changed in the past few weeks. HVAC business as we know it is being altered as you read this. The Coronavirus has forced social distancing upon us and now we must run our businesses with little to…
HELP- My Air Conditioner isn’t working!
You can easily fix the most common problem with your furnace or air conditioner. A dirty furnace filter is the biggest cause of air conditioner and furnace failures. As a filter gets dirty, it actually starts blocking the air trying…
Pizza time turns into Frustration time…
Yesterday, my daughter received a free, single topping, personal pizza coupon for reading a set amount of time at school. She was very excited and asked her mom if she could have extra cheese rather than pepperoni or other topping.…
(Fast) Food for Thought
Ok, fast food isn’t the best choice for lunch, but it was on the way back to the office and I didn’t bring a lunch. A friendly voice on the speaker greeted me and took my order. When I reached…
Zone System? What is a Zone System?
Anyone with a 2 story home will agree that it can get pretty warm upstairs on a hot summer day. Do you have a bonus room over the garage? That can be even more uncomfortable… Is there a solution to…
Builders Beware
I often hear builders say how important good service is when it comes to their subcontractors. Then, in the next breath, they drop a good subcontractor for a cheaper one. Hey, I get it, business is all about making money.…
Go with your Gut
All to often, we hear ” I wish I hadn’t bought that, or went with that contractor, or rented to that person, etc…” It is as if we know better, but do it anyway. Is it pressure? Wanting to get…
Cheap Energy saving tip #1
So you just moved into your beautiful, new home. Exciting! But as it sometimes happens, you haven’t picked out your window coverings just yet, or perhaps need to save up for the purchase. As the summer sun shines in through…
A Common Builders’ Mistake
Hey I get it…no one wants to think about, let alone read about, the mistakes they may be making, but if I can help you prevent just one unhappy homeowner experience, it’s worth a little pain. When you design and…
It’s still Hot, Hot, Hot!
It’s still summer in Vegas! My family and I are enjoying a few days in Las Vegas visiting family. With temperatures still hitting 100 this week, I am reminded of how much energy is consumed cooling our homes, not to…