Face to Face is best!

Social Media, Online Presence, Email, etc.
These are all very important to your business but don’t forget the most important way to build business relationships…Face to Face conversations.
I had the pleasure of meeting with a new homeowner today. He and his wife moved into their dream home 10 days ago and had some questions about the Air Purification system installed on the furnace. After visiting with him on the telephone this morning, I decided to go out to the home and answer his questions in person. Not only did I meet two wonderful people, but they decided to purchase a Preventative Maintenance agreement from my company. My intent was not to sell them anything, just to ensure they were completely happy with their home comfort system and to give them peace of mind.
I am always reminded of the importance of the personal touch when I take the time to interact with customers.
When is the last time you personally interacted with a customer?
Make it a point to visit with a customer every day if possible. It will not only rekindle your love of people, but help you keep your most valuable asset in the forefront.

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