Don’t you love “Ah Ha” moments?

Don’t you love it when you have an “ah ha” moment? You know, a point in time in which you have a realization, or learn something that finally clicks. Well, that very thing just happened to me.
I recently completed an exercise for a customer. I was asked, along with all of their other vendors, to compile a list of ways that this client outperformed their competition.
As I was entering the specs on what I provide, I realized that there were a lot of things I should be explaining better. I had been so focused on providing excellent service that I was missing opportunities. If my clients, home builders in this case, purchase upgrades, I make more money…but so do they! It’s great when the home sales pro’s offer homeowners these options because they get commission on those sales. So how can they sell more upgrades? Well, it’s my job to give them the tools to do that, at least regarding HVAC products.
When the aforementioned builder asked how my products and services help set them apart, I realized that if they just spec’d upgraded HVAC products as “standard”, that would set them apart. Now the only thing I need to do is give them the reasons why this is better and how the homeowner will benefit.
The cool thing about HVAC upgrades is that the results can be quantified. Higher efficient furnaces and A/C’s save energy dollars. 2 stage and Variable speed equipment creates a more comfortable home environment. Air Purifiers, Humidifiers and Ventilation products provide healthy indoor air to breathe as well as other benefits.
You too are in a position to help your customers. Put forth the effort to inform and educate them on your products and services. Especially focus on how your customer (and theirs) will benefit by using what you are offering. Don’t get caught up in pricing and just trying to be the cheapest…your customers will be far better off by providing a superior product to their customers, by using upgraded, top of the line products and services from you.

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